The Platinum Plan is the most inclusive of all the plans, it provides worry free 24 hour coverage of all major components of your residential furnace or boiler heating system. The Platinum Plan includes all the benefits of both the Silver and Gold Plans in addition to the following parts.

Air scoop
Air vent
Balance valves
Bearing assembly
Blower bearings *
Blower complete *
Blower shaft *
Blower wheel *
Boiler valves
Boiler/Furnace wiring
Circulator complete *
Circulator impeller
Check valves
Combustion chamber
Draft inducer
Draft inducer motor
Expansion tank
Extrol tank
Feed valve
Flow control valve *
Flue pipe (single wall)
Gates valves
Glass gauge
High pressure regulator
Humidifier fan *
Humidifier float *
Humidifier motor *
Humidifier pad
Humidistat *
Low Pressure regulator
Low water cutoff float
Low water cutoff switch
Low voltage transformer
Mixing valves
Pressure reducing valve
Temperature gauge
Zone valve complete *
Zone valve motor *
Zone valve power head
Zone valve relay *
*(one per year)
A minimum annual purchase of 500 gallons is required to be eligible for this plan.