Daniels Energy installs propane fueled fireplace-inserts

Propane Fireplace Inserts
Let Daniels Do It!

Propane fireplace inserts are a great way to improve the look of your fireplace and make it more efficient.

They fit into your existing fireplace and provides a firebox that is better sealed and insulated than your old fireplace. This means that less heat escapes up the chimney and more heat stays in your home.

In addition, inserts often come with blowers that circulate the air, providing even more warmth. If you are looking for a way to improve the look and efficiency of your fireplace, a propane fireplace insert is a great option.

Daniels Energy has a variety of propane inserts for your home. They are not only efficient and enclosed, but they're also cleaner and safer than traditional wood fireplaces. And there’s no mess to clean!

Propane inserts fit into virtually any existing fireplace, the installation of which is often efficient and painless!