Yes, that’s a typo. Sorry. Wanted your attention.

If you are one of the thousands of people who have added a Mitsubishi Ductless Split system over the past four-five years, Daniels has a new, important service for you.

It is our Ductless Mini-Split Cleaning.

Could the indoor air quality in your home be a problem?

Control dust and other contaminants by cleaning your heating & cooling duct system.
If you, or someone in your family, suffer from breathing issues, hay fever, or asthma or just want to breath cleaner air – give us a call. Here’s more information and here’s a video that shows the process.

Give us a Call for A Quote!

Like most people, you probably pull out your system’s screen, and vacuum or wash it each year. But much of the real dirt is captured inside the system. We're talking dust, dander, pet hair, pollen and the occasional creepy-crawly. Filth! Daniels’s new service places a specially designed “bib” around the unit and then uses a small power washer with directional hose to clean the head completely.

This process usually takes about three hours to do two heads (most customers have two head systems). A four-head system can be done in less then five.

One more thought

When was the last time you cleaned out your dryer vent? The one from the dryer through the wall? Daniels can do that too! Just ask for the Double Clean Package – Heads & Vents.

Duct Cleaning Request Form

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